Conditional Sentence is a phtase used to exress something that may happen or many not occur as expected. Conditional Sentence is a sentence complex are formed the subordinate clause that begins with a surbodinate conjuction is if such condition and the main clause in the form of result or consequence.
     The main clause is part of a compound sentence that can stand alone and have a complete sense if separated from one another in a compound sentence. The subordinate clause is part of a compound sentence can not stand alone if separated from another parts of the compound sentence.
     There are 4 types of conditional sentence items, namely is:
1. Conditional Sentence Type 0
2. Conditional Sentence Type 1
3. Conditional Sentence Type 2
4. Conditional Sentence Type 3

# Conditional Sentence Type 0
Formula: if + present simple, present simple

Exem: If we burn paper, it becomes ash.

# Conditional Sentence Type 1
Meaningful future as a result of (main clause) in the from futures and subordinate clause from of the simple present tense. event that exist in the main clause in the from of the future will occur when the requirements that exist in the subordinate clause (if...) are met.

Formula; if + present simple, will + bare infinitive

Example: If I has much money, I will buy a new car.

#Conditional Sentence Type 2
Formula: if + simple past, would / could / might + bare infinitive

Example: If Ahmad got a lot money, he could go to Italy.

#Conditional Sentence Type 3
Formula: if + past perfect, would / should / could / might have + past participle

Example: If I had known him number, I would have called him.


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